Text messages also show Hunter apparently sent a link to a Pornhub page to a phone number he had saved in his contacts book as 'Dad' on October 22, 2018.He was also a regular user of sex cam sites, particularly, where he made screen recordings of himself interacting live with the women on the site.Hunter, 52, who had a paid Pornhub Premium account under 'RHEast', also uploaded his own amateur videos but was careful not to show his face.Of the 281 websites found in his search history over six days, 98 were pornographic, can reveal.The president's son, who dated his late brother's wife Hallie, repeatedly searched Pornhub for titles involving 'lonely widows' as well as videos with 18- and 19-year-old girls.Hunter Biden's internet search history from March 2019 reveals his obsession with porn and penchant for filming himself having sex with prostitutes.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter's search history reveals his obsession with porn and sex fantasies including '18yrs old,' 'lonely widow' and 'MILF crack cocaine porn,' he uploaded his OWN amateur videos and texted Pornhub link to phone listed in his contacts as 'Dad'